Given the specificities of an orienteering event in the Trail-O modality, I have created an ad hoc program to manage the configuration of the events, the annotation of the responses of the participants and the preparation of results. In this case, it is a program developed in Java language.
Created an installer (Windows) to be able to update more easily when there are changes.
If you had already manually installed the application, when you run the installer for the first time you must select the folder where it is already installed.
This will not delete event data or specific settings, it will only update what is necessary.
ANT has changed the results format several times.
The last change has been made in versión 4.10.4.
This program has been updated to acept all the formats.
Last checked ANT versión is 4.11.1.
The modifications have been necessary in the server part so it is not necessary to reinstall the program
Last update: 02/04/2025
Versión 1.2.1
Export list of results to XML IOF 3.0 for uploading to
through its desktop client
Versión 1.2.0
Major change to integrate the use of the
system through the ANT application. NOTE: Not tested in real competitions yet
Review the functioning of the Sportident readings, receiving ANT data, ToePunch and importing files with ANT data
Download Installer » Presentation » Manual » Notes »
Note: server change, October 2022
Due to a change in the contracted hosting service, it is necessary to ensure that in the configuration tabs
of the remote servers (Configuration -> Remote Servers, Radiocontrols, Tx markings and ANT tabs), the server
field contains the value '' or '' instead of '' (without the quotes)
ANT is a mobile app for the timing and response writing in timed controls
Web site »
Reuse of the infrastructure of radiocontrols (CPI) to receive, save
and transmit data from ANT
Example of using those data in an Excel book
Excel »
Sample file »
Integration in the Trail-O management system. Implemented April, 2019.
Translation into Spanish, made during confinement by COVID-19,
from the latest IOF Technical Guidelines document,
which dates from 2014. The FEDO is awaiting the release of a new updated IOF document (the
last published by the FEDO is 2009)
Although designed for the Elite category, it is a very useful document to understand the
way of conceiving and solving the controls of a Trail-O competition